"This is the time of fulfillment." – Mark 1:15

If you were a fly and you landed on the ceiling of the Sistine chapel with Michaelangelo’s painting, all you would probably see are a lot of rough surfaces due to the paintbrush strokes. You’ll also see a lot of dust and dirt caught by the rough surface. You might easily judge the artwork as plain old ugly. But pull back and suddenly, your jaw drops at the magnificence of the whole fresco!

There have been a lot of disappointing episodes in my life that made me feel like a loser. I wanted to be a doctor but I thought I couldn’t handle the stress so I shifted to dentistry. I’ve always felt that I took the easy way out and that I was settling for second best. Nine years after graduation, my future husband comes into my life because they needed a company dentist. Seventeen years later, my dad overcomes a malignant cancer under the tongue because I detected it in its early stage during his oral checkup.

What people call serendipity or fate, God calls the time of fulfillment of His grand master plan for our life. - Ronna Ledesma (Didache)

Have you been accusing God of giving you the raw end of the deal in this life? Pull back, little fly!

Lord, let me always see that nothing touches me without passing first through Your loving hands.